Friday, February 5, 2010

Importance Of English

This week we need to talk about the important of English...
First of all,i guess you all know that English is such an important things nowadays..
We need English like a fat boy need a chocolate......ahakz...

Anywhere we go,around the world,people speak English as universal language...
It doesn't mean other language are being ignored...
Just English are given the first priority....
So many method we can try in order to strengthen our English skill.....
Such as listening to English song,try to speak in English in our daily life and such more things can we try.....
While listening to English song,we can try to find the meaning of the song and at the same time we can improves our pronunciations and vocabulary......addition,we can enjoy the song and entertain ourselves....So,we never get boring right..

Imagine if people didn't study English.... How would people be speaking and learning today?
It is also heavily needed in the business world as well as your own private world... English also teaches you to communicate and process things more accurately...
If we didn't have a set English language communicating would be extremely difficult....So it is obvious that English is important English to us especially student like us.....


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