Thursday, January 28, 2010

My resolution for 2010...

New year has come..
Usually New Year's resolutions are pretty grandiose, based on pledges to change lifelong habits, or institute dramatic self-improvements of one kind or another.

You know, that's the school of thought wherein I'd promise to gain 4 paund,because all this time my friends keep calling me Olive(poppeye's wife).I think it's quiet wierd right,all people think to lose their weight but for me inversely from the others....hehe..i'm tired of being asked 5W and 1H QS (because of my body size):(

For the second resolution is about English improvement.
I have been school from the kindergarden but my English communation level is still low.I have confidence to improve it but I still shy to speak English even in the class.My madam always mumbling me because I`m afraid my friends will laugh at me when I talked. That was my weakness until now.

Furthermore,first I plan to practice writing. I give my self half an hour to an hour to writing down what I learn today every day. Maybe this method may help me to improve my english...At last, I will apply a writing correction count, after writing send to them let them correct for me.

Last but not least, i hope i will achieve all my target for this year....
Not just a plan but we dont perform it same goes to my previous resolution for the last year....

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

NeW YeAr CeLEbRaTioN......

Hye guys..........
Welcome to our blogs.......
So enjoy yourself:)

First of all,
we think this is not to late for us to thanks to you all happy new year.......
welcome 2010 and farewell 2009......

Talking about our topics,
let share our experience about how you all celebrate this moment......

we seldom celebrate the new year celebration......
usually we used to spent my time just watch the fireworks at television....

it sounds like boring right......
But this year,our friends asked us to celebrate new year at the Dataran Merdeka.....
And as expected, it not easy to get permission from our parents....
After for a week persuading our parents permission,
finally they gave us a permission with a thoundsands of rules........
Don't come back late!!Don't do that!!Don't do this!!
At the Dataran Merdeka,
we are very excited waiting for the time pass....
Everyone seems like very enjoy the moment and many artists performed during that night.....
We counting the time pass by every second,
so excited because this is the first time celebrate new year outside,
the clocks are showing 12 ocloks.........

Wow....!!!!! So amazing with the colourful firework....
everyone shouting and very enjoy the moment.....
After lazing around, we decided to back home..
with a full smile on our face...


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